© Harold Aspden, 1998

A very discerning reader has posed a question on a very specific topic concerning the aether theory which I have posted on my web site. It concerns the preferred axis about which the electric charges constituting the cubic structured lattice-like array that extends throughout the aether actually rotate so as to define the orientation of the spin axis relative to that cubic structure. As Allyn M shell puts the question: "Is the preferred axis of rotation face-centered, edge-centered or corner-centered?"

Now I must admit that I had not given much attention to this thought as I developed my aether theory. It is true that I did build my theory from a platform of knowledge concerning the domain structure in ferromagnetic crystals. There the question of the spin axis is settled by experiment, iron, for example, being body-centred cubic in structure, has its preferred axes set in the 001, 010 or 100 directions, that is parallel with a cube edge. In ferromagnetism the preferred direction of magnetization is determined by energy criteria according to the strains set up by the ferromagnetic state.

The aether lattice structure is not body-centred or face-centred, but is 'simple cubic' in form. In theory, since the whole aether charge lattice within a space domain moves in unison in sustaining the rotation component of motion about the inertial frame at the Compton electron frequency, the energy constraints which arise as a function of the lattice structure are solely dependent upon the boundary conditions. Such boundaries between adjacent space domains are separated by distance measured in light years. For that reason I have inclined to the view that the spin axis in a space domain can have any orientation relative to the prevalent lattice structure, this having a converse, which is that a segment of that structure could adapt a different orientation of its lattice in relation to a spin axis common throughout the domain.

By 'segment' here I mean a sphere of aether lattice such as is coextensive with body Earth and rotates with body Earth. The aether spin axis of the whole enveloping space domain then has a direction not shared by the geographic (North-South) spin axis of body Earth or, indeed, by the Earth's 'aether spin' axis, this being the axis of rotation of the spherical aether form inside body Earth. Note here that I have introduced three separate axes of spin pertaining to the physics prevailing inside body Earth, one being that of the matter forming Earth, one being that of the aether sphere rotating inside body Earth and one being the axis of the ultra-fast aether particle motion that prevails throughout the local space domain which is important when it comes to explaining the nature of gravitation. Of these three axes two are relevant in determining how and why the magnetic poles of Earth migrate with their 1,000 year or so period around the corresponding geographic poles. This is owing to precession attributable to the magnetic coupling as between effects induced in two of these axial directions.

Which two is a matter of some speculation, because I tend to think that the axis about which the sun rotates or the effective axis about which the solar system as a whole rotates is the primary axis of our local space domain. That poses its own problems because occasionally on a time scale averaging of few hundred thousand years the sun traverses a space domain boundary and is unlikely to reorientate its spin axis without a significant time delay. When did our solar system cross a space domain boundary last? Answer: When the geomagnetic field reversed on the last occasion. Maybe that was 12,000 years ago. Body Earth has an axis tilted at 23.5o to the normal to the plane defined by that axis of the solar system. The geomagnetic field precesses about the Earth's axis at an angle of about 17o, but, though we knw the angle roughly, to know precisely which axis it precesses about would require us to collect data for a few thousand years. The slow motion of the geomagnetic poles requires patience by scientists who are trying to decipher the facts governing that precession. So it is an open question as to which two of the three axes are meaningful as governing the precession of the geomagnetic field, though obviously the Earth's spin axis has to be one of the three.

Now to come back to Allyn Shell's basic question, I really do not think it matters which direction is adopted for the space domain spin axis, so long as we understand that it prevails throughout the domain. It assures that gravity acts with its familiar constancy between all matter within that domain. That cubic lattice structure will probably be uniform throughout the domain space where matter is not present, regardless of that spin direction, but it need not be, because the lattice is that of a kind of fluid crystal. It can adapt to local field conditions and the presence of matter in particular. Indeed, I see the atomic nucleus, which itself has structure, as determining the aether lattice structure orientation in its immediate locality. If you consider this you may come to see that an atomic nucleus in uniform rectilinear motion may nucleate the attached aether structure which grows and is shared by other matter sharing exactly the velocity of that motion. A change of speed or direction, meaning acceleration of deceleration and all that we associate with thermal activity in matter, will rupture that cohesion of aether lattice structure.

It is in this portrayal of aether and its association with matter that I first came to terms with the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment. It is aether drag, yes, but aether drag associated with 'fluid crystal' properties and one that normally leaves the aether independent in terms of its effect on linear momentum of matter, though giving scope for dependence where angular momentum is concerned, as implied by what I have just said about geomagnetism.

So, to answer, Allyn Shell's question directly, I say that I believe that the orientation of the aether domain spin axis is independent of the orientation of the local aether lattice structure. In this respect there is no analogy with the crystal-structure determination of the preferred axes found in ferromagnetic domains.

Harold Aspden
November 9, 1998